
New metropolitan centre zone

14 January 2011

The NSW Department of Planning is exhibiting a draft amendment to the Standard Instrument to insert a “Zone B8 Metropolitan Centre” as a business zone in the standard instrument.

The Government says that this is needed to reflect the “unique identification of Sydney and North Sydney CBDs as a Global Sydney Strategic Centre”. If made, this addition to the standard instrument will be available for use only in the City of Sydney and North Sydney local government areas.

The Department of Planning has also placed a draft practice note on exhibition. This practice note advises that the decision to permit residential land uses in the B8 zone will be a matter for the relevant planning authority (council). However, when deciding whether to allow residential land uses, the council will need to demonstrate that:

  • residential land uses will not adversely impact on the “principle purpose of land within the B8 Metropolitan Centre to provide employment”; and
  • there is sufficient floor space capacity to support residential land uses in addition to employment related land uses.

While residential development is not specifically prohibited, it is obvious from the zone objectives and the draft practice note that non-residential land uses are the preferred land use. We have consistently argued that residential land uses have an important role to play in “Global Sydney”. A vibrate, active global city needs a variety of land use including business, entertainment and residential uses.

Comments on the proposed amendment will be accepted until 15 February 2011. Please contact us if you have comments relating to this draft amendment.

Maps showing the proposed B8 zone for Sydney are here. Exhibited material is here.