16 June 2010
Armidale Dumaresq, Guyra Shire, and Uralla Shire Councils may be amalgamated. The Minister for Local Government, Barbara Perry, has accepted the recommendations made by Gabrielle Kibble in her review of the New England Strategic Alliance of Councils.
Ms Perry has now referred Mrs Kibble’s recommendations to the Local Government Boundaries Commission, asking it to report back on topics including potential financial advantages of amalgamations. Once the Commission has provided its report on the proposal, Ms Perry will make a final decision on the amalgamation of the three councils. More information is here.
Bellingen Shire Council has a shire wide development control plan (DCP) on exhibition. This DCP will replace the sixteen existing DCPs. The Draft DCP will be on public exhibition until Friday 2 July 2010. Further information can be obtained from here.
Queanbeyan City Council has a draft development control plan on exhibition that will alter onsite car parking requirements in the Queanbeyan CBD. Submissions on the draft DCP will be accepted until 18 June 2010. More information can be obtained here.
The Planning Minister Tony Kelly’s attacks on Cessnock Council have suffered what appears to be a political set-back with reports of a Department of Planning document that suggests few problems with the council. Details are here.