Urban Taskforce Staff


Tom Forrest
Chief Executive Officer

Tom Forrest was Chief of Staff and Advisor to various NSW Ministers (Premier, Treasurer, Planning, Health and Olympics) before joining the senior ranks of the public service in the key Department of Premier and Cabinet and Transport portfolios. More recently, Tom assisted private sector clients, including commercial and residential developers, navigate often complex regulatory landscapes.

Stephen F Image

Stephen Fenn
Head of Policy, Planning and Research

Stephen Fenn has worked at senior levels as an adviser in both Government and Opposition in NSW, as well as executive roles in the Public Service.

Stephen has experience in planning, economics, natural resource management and regional development, with a focus on policy and stakeholder engagement.


Nicola Baume
Manager – Events and Membership

Nicola generates information to our current and new members.

She co-ordinates all events held throughout the year including lunches, industry briefings, committee networking events. She also manages the annual Development Excellence Awards and Property Person of the Year Award.

Benjamin Gellie

Benjamin Gellie
Planning, Research and Policy Analyst

Benjamin Gellie worked as in Construction Project Manager before continuing academic pursuits into Urban Research. Benjamin has worked as a researcher, assisting with the conception and facilitation of research projects in Europe and Australia. His foci include Governance, Urban Policy, Urban Planning and Urban Economics. Benjamin has been a business advisor, assisting with business development and funding and has founded multiple tech start ups in various sectors.

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Órla Rafferty
EA to CEO and Marketing Officer

Órla Rafferty previously worked in Marketing and New Business Development before relocating to Australia. She has joined the Urban Taskforce team to assist the management of social media platforms, media publications strategy and website maintenance. Further to this, Órla takes care of diary management for senior members of the Urban Taskforce.